AMX partner of Project Fastlane, Bringing Pressure Sintering to the forefront in Europe

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European countries are collaborating to enhance energy security and efficiency and to share renewable resources more effectively. The European Union has set an ambitious target for carbon neutrality by 2050(1) and an even bigger one for 2035 with the 100% reduction of the emission for cars through the stop to the sales of new thermic engine vehicles(2). This latter groundbreaking policy, enshrined in the “Fit for 55%” package of the European Climate Law is part of a program to cut greenhouse gas emissions of at least 55% by 2030(3).

These steps, undertaken now concretely by the European Union, well reflects in the spirit and in practicality the principle of the initiatives included in the EU Green Deal, which together with the various policies to promote electrification and de carbonization implemented by the member states will contribute to the general effort towards the Green transition.
A complex interplay of factors, including the imperative to address climate change, the potential for economic stimulus, the drive for energy and technological independence and the aspiration for global leadership are pushing our continent towards a complex but nonetheless stimulating evolution.

In this challenging scenario, the European Commission authorized the commitment of huge quantities of resource for more than 1000 billion euros(4) in order to support the significant investment required by the moment and the efforts of the public entities and private enterprises primarily involved in this major turning point.


Among the initiatives brought forward by the EU to boost the activities related to the Green transition, starting from 2021 was launched Horizon Europe, a large funding programs specifically dedicated to research and innovation(5).
One of the most relevant and strategic themes of the contemporary global scene is constituted by the challenges imposed by the ever-increasing developments of the Semiconductor related industries. Considering the prominent needs of the industrial complex and the strategic importance of such market, the necessity of establishing a solid and swift supply chain, as well as that of reducing the emissions in the components production phase, had quickly became crucial.

In this context, starting from March 2023, the foundations for such a project were established in the context of Horizon Europe under the authority of the Chips Joint Undertaking, main coordinator of the European semiconductor effort and of the development initiatives.
One year later, Project Fastlane was launched with AMX as a proud partner of it.

This collaborative initiative, promoted in collaboration with some of the most important players worldwide, aims at improving the SiC-based technology supply chain in Europe and supporting the construction of a solid network of highly innovative players to boost the global significance of European Power Electronics enterprises.   
In compliance with the European Green Deal, another major aims of the Project is to foster the sustainable development and to promote a reduction of the economic and environmental costs of the production, with particular attention towards the abatement of the consumption of resources and the decrease of the emissions(6).  

AMX's involvement.

AMX's main contribution to the FastLane consortium is its expertise in pressure sintering and support of the project with process activities in the AMX Automatrix Labs, including: mechanical characterization, assembly and Ag/Cu material investigations. We offer a space where semiconductor manufacturers, material suppliers, SATs and OEMs can test and experiment with new designs, understand and prove feasibility, and work with our experts on future process industrialization and optimization.
With a worldwide capillary presence, we support OEMs, Tier1 suppliers, semiconductor industries, OSATS material suppliers and R&D institutes from the early stages to the final full in-line process, improving efficiency, increasing performance, increasing power density (space/power) and optimizing yield.

The key advantages of pressure sintering:
  • Today is considered the best bonding solution for high power Si or SiC application because of thermal conductivity ~300 (W/m∘K), lower electrical resistivity ~2 (µΩcm).
  •  Longer lifetime of the interconnection up to 100 times standard soldered interconnection

AMX Automatrix Sintering Equipment Key Benefits:
  • First in class Equipment energy savings: -30% electricity and -70% gas consumption compared to standard equipment on the market.
  • Equipment footprint reduced: -70% of standard equipment on the market (with comparable sintering area)
  • Highest throughput per square metre
  • AMX's mass production equipment is totally capable to perform the process in an inert atmosphere environment. The cabinet of our units is entirely sealed up to create a suitable space for sintering under N2 and therefore eliminating the risks of oxidation and any cosmetic defect.
  • Economical savings on substrates (no plating required)
  • AMX systems demonstrates the highest repeatability: -50% reduction in SiC scrap (no cracks, no voids)
  • Reduced carbon footprint
  • Reduced time to market -50% (from 2 years to 1 year)

AMX participates to the project focusing in particular in researching power modules and packaging solutions. In the context especially of WP4, AMX will collaborate with the other partners of FastLane bringing into play its sintering technology and knowhow related to process and machinery through its facilities, dedicated equipment and personnel.

For more information about the Project FastLane please visit:

The project is supported by the Chips Joint Undertaking (JU) and its members, including top-up funding by Austria, France, Germany, Romania, Slovakia, under grant agreement No 101139788. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Chips Joint Undertaking. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

(1) European Commission, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, Brussels, 11.12.2019, p.4
(2) General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2019/631 as regards strengthening the CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and new light commercial vehicles in line with the Union's increased climate ambition - Letter to the Chair of the European Parliament Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI), 16.11.2022, p.7

(3) Ibidem, p.5
(4) European Commission, The European Green Deal Investment Plan and Just Transition Mechanism explained, 14.01.2020,,
(5) European Commission, Horizon Europe,,
(6) FastLane, FastLane Boosting the European Value Chain for Sustainable Power Electronics,,
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